Asbestos roof removal on a garage croydon

For this job the client wanted a complete removal and demolition of their garage. This was an easy job for the experts here at Clearaway Asbestos to complete. We firstly came to inspect the area and locate the asbestos. The garage was emptied and household waste from it was disposed of. We worked on removing the roof which was where the asbestos was located. This was safely removed and disposed of at a local licensed waste site. The rest of the garage could then be dismantled and demolished. We did this right down to the concrete slab. All waste including the steel and concrete was taken to the licensed waste site. This was a job we completed in Croydon. The client was very happy with the job that we completed and will be replacing their garage soon. Here are some photographs that were taken throughout the process. You can see the before, during and after process.




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