Legal Complications Around Asbestos

Asbestos was used frequently in construction projects in the 20th century. It was initially considered a fantastic building material due to its fireproof, weatherproof, strong qualities, and the fact that it was relatively cheap to come by. However, once people began to notice the adverse effects it was having on the health of those exposed to it, it was banned from use in 1999.
The problem lay in that banning it didn’t vanquish the problem, as it was still present in thousands of buildings built before 1999. In fact, it still is present in a lot of those buildings. Many people are unaware that their property contains asbestos, as it is not visible to the naked eye and requires sampling and testing to identify. The other problem is that many people are still becoming ill from asbestos exposure, as some of the health complications don’t appear to present themselves until decades after the substance was inhaled.

Residential Properties

Whilst having asbestos on your property is never a good idea, it can be relatively harmless if left untouched. The dangerous asbestos fibres are actually only released when the material is damaged or dislodged in any way. Commonly, this occurs when garage roofing containing asbestos is subject to storms or particularly windy weather. It also means that removing the contaminated parts of your home is an extremely dangerous task, as you run the risk of damaging it during the process. For this reason, it is critical that you hire a professional, reliable asbestos removal company if you discover the substance in your home, as attempting a DIY could prove disastrous or even fatal.
When it comes to domestic properties, there are currently no legal obligations to have asbestos identified or removed, though you put your and your visitors’ health at great risk by not doing so. Even when you hire someone to work at your property, you are not legally required to ensure they are safe from asbestos; they are responsible for this risk themselves. However, suppose you suspect there may be asbestos on your residential property. In that case, we highly recommend having an asbestos survey carried out in order to determine whether your home is contaminated and potentially dangerous.

Commercial Properties

In non-domestic properties, you have a legal duty of care to identify any asbestos on the premises. Clearaway Asbestos can provide comprehensive testing services, which involve sampling materials on your property and sending them to a lab to be tested for the substance. You are not legally obligated to remove the asbestos from the property if it appears undamaged. As mentioned above, asbestos is only dangerous if disturbed, and the fibres are released. As removing asbestos presents this risk, it is sometimes deemed safer to leave the substance where it is and monitor it closely.
You will be required to draw up an asbestos management plan based on the survey findings, which will determine whether or not you should have the substance removed.

Contact Clearaway Asbestos for Professional Removal Services

Our team at Clearaway Asbestos is highly trained, experienced and qualified to remove the hazardous substance in a safe, efficient manner. It requires a great deal of precision and skill and can be disastrous if unsuccessful, which is why you should never attempt to remove asbestos yourself. To find out more about our services or talk to a member of our dedicated team, get in touch with Clearaway Asbestos today.

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